Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Christmas Homeless BBQ

Yesterday I was selling my Big Issue magazines at the corner of Adelaide and Creek St when someone came up to me saying “I thought you got on your feet! What happened?” I replied “Gave it a go but failed, but the best thing is that I had a go and will get back on my feet again” with a smile, you see I think someone failing at something is not as bad as not trying at all. In fact I always say to homeless or people in need “if you don’t try you will never know”.

I have to say I’m happy and content in a huge way because I found the one thing I’m very good at and that’s helping people. I’m proud to say that I know some of the most amazing people there is and we come together to put these Homeless BBQ’s on and they really do make a huge difference in people’s lives, which we do every 8 weeks.

 I’ve been invited to many weddings from people that I have got on their feet and meet someone special to live happy ever after, well most do haha.

This Sunday the 30th of Nov we are holding another Homeless and People in Need BBQ at Musgrave Park from 10am to 2pm. But this time it’s going to be a Christmas Homeless BBQ which means Santa will be giving kids that may not get anything from their parents will get something special from Santa and I’m sure for most will bring a huge smile and I’d like to think maybe, just maybe bring that safe and magical feeling of everything is okay to be a kid to at least one and forget hard times and feel that life is good.

But here’s what I do know, 400 – 1,000 Homeless or People in Need will come and get free Food, Clothes, Blankets, Toiletries and much more including a present from Santa and helping people to not just have clothes and things but respect as well. One of the things that make our events so successful is the fact that homeless and people in need come and not one thing is for sale. We have a saying and that’s “Not one coin is exchanged at our events, because homeless don’t have money so why ask for any” even our volunteers don’t pay for their food which I might add is mostly done by Dalton’s Hospitality

 For a person that has nothing and in some cases looked down a pond this means a lot if not everything and maybe the start of a new start in life.

Bernie the Polite Girl and I do hundreds of hours for every Homeless BBQ  doing preparations for these events, and I have to say we do so much work for not getting paid that I almost every event say “It’s too much to do we have to ask others to help”  Then we smile and get back to doing everything we are doing.

So if you need help or want to help please come down and say hi this Sunday the 30th and say “Hi” or you can contact me directly from details below.

I’d like to thank you all for reading my post and I hope you have a great day.

Grant Richards

Grant the Polite Guy

0412 190 011

Monday, November 10, 2014

Wynnum the start of a Legacy

WooHoo I have done it.

This is 100% done, agreement made. I am opening a NEW shop in Wynnum that has two sides to it. One side being a Thrift shop that gives clothes to Homeless and People in Need free 7 days a week (10 items) and the second side being a Having a Go Coffee which only employs homeless and people in need after they have got on their feet and of course doing suspended coffee . WOOHOO.

This is a passion of mine, I have always wanted to be able to help homeless with clothes, toiletries, blankets and much needed things 7 days a week and be there for them when they need it most.

Homeless and people in need will be able to come and get free clothes and things while having a free coffee and something to eat. You all know of the Homeless BBQs well this is the next step.

I am proud and going to celebrate the fact its coming into action.

I know my health is bad with all thats going wrong, but the way I see it, if I start it then someone can continue it in the future and that means a lot of people are going to get huge help and really thats what its all about.

I cant do this on my own, I am asking if the community can come together to help me to help make this huge start to something great. I need everything for the Thrift side e.g racks and things, and everything for the coffee side counters, fridges, plumbers and an electrician. Plus needing signs. This wont fail because its going to be my legacy I leave for others to take over.

Can I add that this location is going to need a lot of volunteers to help give homeless free clothes and service.

I plan to open on the 1st of December, the day after our next huge Homeless BBQ event at Musgrave Park so we can help more people just before Christmas. Hey will event be able to make a change of direction for some and help them to start the New Year in a more positive way.

I have to say Im sooo excited about this WOOHOO

If you would like to join me please contact me or donate to putting this together.

St. George Bank

Grant Richards

BSB: 112879  ACC: 026900710 or I have a donation button on this blog.

Thank you for reading my blogspot and I hope you all have a great day.

Grant Richards

Grant the Polite Guy

0412 190 011

P.S WOOHOO this is going to help a lot of people.