Monday, January 28, 2013

Helping Flood Victims and Homeless BBQ

The floods are back and people are feeling the hardships. Some losing everything they own and facing that hard truth of how fast it can happen. For a lot of people the worst isn’t over. They have to return to their homes and see what if anything is left and the clean up.

Now I’m not going to write about the flood, because the media is all over it. Every channel.

What I want to write about is, there’s nothing worse than when you realize you have lost everything and that feeling of hopelessness of being able to do nothing about it. Not a good feeling. I know I have faced it many of times.

I woke up this morning and saw the horror on T.V. I spoke to Bernie the Polite Girl and we quickly agreed.

On Sunday the 17th of Feb

10am to 2pm

At Musgrave Park

Signal Flare is doing a BBQ for Homeless, Flood Victims and People in Need.

Now I have done many BBQ’s for the Homeless and people in need. This one will be no different except a lot bigger. As before all things will be given out for free and nothing is charged for anything. There will also be services there that can help in huge ways so if your Homeless or Flood affected or just in Need then come and get help. It’s for you too.

 But this BBQ will need so much more.

Insect Repellents

Can Food

Cleaning Products

Kids Toys (A lot of kids lost all their toys too)

Clothes (All sizes from babies to XXX Large)




Linen (Sheet, pillow cases and things like that)

Kitchen things (Plates, cups and things)

Pot’s and Pans

A lot of people helping sort things before, during and after the event.

Truck load of food and drinks. Haha Did I say one truck load. Haha Many needed I think.

Now the rest I’m thinking if people could take a picture and we will have a board for the pictures and people can request things from that board, e.g. Beds, tables and chairs, Vacuum’s, Iron/boards, Furniture, TV’s and things like that. If people tell us they have them to give then we can offer on the day and it can go straight from person giving to person needing them. NOT brought to the park event.

I know this is a bigger list then I have done before, but these people will need them to start making their lives normal again so I say please help if you can.

This is a chance to help people when they need it most. If people want to contact on Facebook about this event please go to

I’m not going to write along post today because I have so much to do helping people. I will ask that this event will help that many more people if you share this post and help get the word out, you can do this by hitting the blue “F” or “T” at the bottom of this post. We’d have more helping and more finding out where to get help.

I’d like to thank you all for reading this blog post and I hope your all safe from this flood and if not please know there’s help coming.

Grant the Polite Guy

0142 190 011

P.S A great person (Karen Croke that helps as much as I do) and I (Grant Richards) has been nominated  for volunteer of the year and need votes to win. Please do on The winner get $1,000 for them and $10,000 towards their charity. Karen or I can help a lot more people with that money.

Thank you again.

Grant the Polite Guy

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